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One Healer Is Not Good Enough


One Healer Is Not Good Enough

                                                - The healing power of many creates a Heavenly Earth -


          Since ancient times, there have been many saints in addition to Jesus Christ. They have all worked miracles for human relief and left a legacy of great merit in religious history. When it came to healing sickness, however, these exalted beings healed people individually -- it was impossible to save many at once. Christ made the blind see, the paralyzed mobile, and wrested the evil spirit from those possessed. Such, were the fantastic miracles that have been revealed, but the cures were effected gradually, one by one.


          Now, tens and thousands of our members truly perform similar miracles every day. As one becomes a member and adds to the ever-growing number of initiates performing Jorei in the world, greater and greater numbers of people are healed daily. This healing is still on a one-to-one basis but with the difference that there is no limit to the potential number of people to be helped. One may predict the greatest worldwide health benefits in the near future.


          Jorei is a wonderful method to cure sickness, but our final goal is to create a heavenly world where both a healthy spiritual body and a healthy physical body can co-exist. The combination of spiritual and physical health creates a complete person; the increase in the number of complete people creates a heavenly earth.


         Now the time has come and we have the opportunity to fulfill this most important mission through our religion. As soon as one becomes initiated, great healing miracles will be worked.


(Announcement year is unknown)

The Revolution of Medical Science


The Revolution of Medical Science

          For a long time, political revolutions and social revolutions occurred to correct erroneous politics and thoughts for the purpose of creating a better society. These types of revolutions only concerned a specific country or group of people. But nowadays, those revolutions happen on a larger scale: expansion of communism by the Soviet Union and opposing democratic movements centered in the United States are serious problems.


            Our organization, on the other hand intends to create and is now pursuing a world without sickness, a cultural revolution whose fundamental aim is the salvation of humanity. And there is nothing more significant than that. This is probably humanity’s greatest mission ever in its entire history.


            Who would have thought that something like the atomic bomb wiping out living creatures and buildings for several miles all at once would be devised? And if this discovery was used to serve peace, we have no idea how much it would benefit humanity. However, compared to this, it is obvious that annihilating sickness from humanity is a far more difficult task. To banish sickness from this world means to thoroughly understand the cause of its existence and occurrence, while at the same time discovering a method that exterminates the root cause of sickness. And both of these shall be fundamental to accomplishing our purpose.


          Modern medical science speaks about its development and people strongly believe in it whereas it is only stagnating. About 2000 years have passed since Hippocrates, who in 400 BC was considered the most outstanding doctor, and yet today medicine has not discovered the cause of the common cold. This speaks for itself.


            Even considering this sole fact, we cannot agree that modern medical science has made progress. So even several centuries ahead, it is clear that the realization of a world without sickness is just a dream of the ignoramus. I am not making this statement just for the purpose of blaming the medical world. I am only making this statement from a fair perspective, considering a true fact to be a true fact, and a mistake a mistake, without taking anything else into consideration. What I advocate is not some theory or supposition. And as I am speaking real facts, we can say that this is the truth itself.

Be A Citizen of The World


           From now on, people must be citizens of the world. I have one interesting story about that. Right after the end of the war, an ex-soldier came to me and said with anger “I really don’t understand the surrender of this time. It’s unbearable.” He talked to me with deep indignation but as I didn’t share his viewpoint at all, the man looked at me baffled and asked me, “Sensei (Japanese word for teacher or master), are you Japanese?” Then I immediately replied, “I am not Japanese.” The man was startled and shaking he said, “Then what country are you from?” So, I said, “Well, I’m a citizen of the world.” The man gave me a look as if he dropped his jaw and asked me to give him a satisfactory explanation of my statement. So, I gave him many explanations, and what I am about to write is based on what I told him.


          First of all, differentiating between people because of their origin is a mistake. That was exactly the attitude of Japanese people after they won the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese war. They were infatuated because Japan suddenly became a first-class power and they thought, and made others think, that Japan was one special country, a divine country – and that is what finally brought about World War II. Because of that, they scorned foreigners like animals and did not feel any guilt in killing them. They devastated other countries at will and that is why they met with reverses like today’s defeat. Therefore, we cannot possibly hope for a worldwide peace as long as such over-nationalism and over-patriotism exist.


          This fact can also be understood if we look at this issue on a national scale. If regions of Japan were in conflict, it would be like a dispute between brothers and certainly, a settlement would be easily found. The Emperor Meiji meant the same in his poem, “I wonder why troubles occur when the entire universe is considered to be brothers.” If everyone could think that way, the world’s peace could be established even tomorrow. And if all of humanity could have such a huge heart, the whole world would be a family and wars could not possibly happen. According to that principle, forming groups based on political or social sympathies and disliking any others, national policy, nationalism and stating that one’s country is the best, all of those self-righteous thoughts would mislead the country. Moreover, it also obstructs the world’s peace. That is why to celebrate the present peace, at least, all the Japanese people should become citizens of the world, transcend their Shojo (narrow view) minds and start having Daijo (broad view) thoughts. That would be the most advanced thought for our future world and the world needs those kinds of people.


          The same thing applies to religion. Making all kinds of factions inside religions, cults and faiths is already out-of-date. On the other hand, and without pretense, our organization does not prohibit anyone from looking into other religions. Far from it, we even welcome it. The reason is because our organization will integrate all of humanity. We are pacifists in making the whole world one family and according to that we believe any religion is a friend and we try to progress in harmony with each other’s cooperation.



Be A Citizen of The World

Get Rid of Your Ego


Get Rid of Your Ego

          In all human beings’ lives, nothing is more fearful than the ego. We also understand this from the fact that removing one’s ego is the first principle of training in the spiritual world. When I was a believer in the Omoto religion, there were two passages that said as follows: “Even God made mistakes because of ego, so there is nothing more fearful than ego” and “Ego is necessary inside one’s being but there should not be ego outside. The best is to have ego and not show it.” Those maxims simply but plainly revealed the true nature of ego and left a profound impression on me.


          Another teaching of the Omoto religion says “Being obedient is the best” and I thought that it was a wise statement, too. Because until now, regarding people who obediently listened to my advice, everything went smoothly and they experienced no failure. But there were sometimes people who could not listen because of their ego and watching those people go downhill was really painful for me.


          From all of the above, not to show one’s ego, being obedient and not to lie constitute the fundamental basis of faith.



The First World


          When we examine today’s civilization, needless to say its structure is based on material science. Let me fully write about it now.


          To know the current civilization, we first should know about the structure of the great universe. Also, I will skip the part not directly related to human beings and only write about the most important points. The universe is essentially composed of the three elements which are the sun, the moon and the earth. Those three elements are, respectively, the energy of fire, water and soil and their manifestations are the worlds of spirit, air and phenomenon. The reality is nothing less than the balanced fusion of those three worlds. However, only the two elements of the aerial world and phenomenon (material) world were known until today. And nobody knew the existence of the spiritual world. This is because it could not be grasped at all by medical science. Therefore, the sole progress of the above said two elements created the material culture of today. In other words, it is only a two-thirds culture.


          But out of any expectation, this one-third spiritual world, considered as nil until now, is in fact the center of a fundamental power more important than the second and third together. Accordingly, a perfect civilization cannot possibly appear without it. This is evidenced by the fact that humanity’s one wish for happiness did not come about even after the huge progress made by the two other cultures. When we fully reflect on the root of that paradox, we find a deep reason for it. That is, if humanity had known from the beginning about the first spiritual world, today’s material civilization would most certainly not have made such advanced progress. This is because atheism could only come out of a disregard for the spiritual world. And, as a society, we were blind to the spiritual world and allowed atheism to gain power. But because of the misery received from the battle of good vs. evil, the development of material culture, to rely on, became inevitable.


          When we deeply think about it, we realize that all of that is nothing but a heartfelt implementation of the divine plan. Since, we came to understand that once the material world reached a high state of development, we understood that further progress would only cause the culture to collapse. Since we have reached the development of the nuclear bomb, we understand that we have arrived at the time to make a great conversion of the culture’s progress. And, as a first step, God decided to widely demonstrate to humanity, the existence of the spiritual world. So then, came the expression of a great power as never experienced by humanity – that is to say, God’s power. But, because current people have been locked up in a materialist view, convincing them is a difficult task. Understanding that, our organization has given birth to the one means that can convince people: The miracle of Jorei. Thanks to Jorei, any atheist will have to accept the existence of the spiritual world at one burst. And as this becomes known to the world, a true worldwide common civilization will be born and the current culture will make an unavoidable 180 degree turn.


          There is, however, one complicated remaining issue. Because today’s culture has been built through thousands and thousands of years, we do not yet know how many sins have been committed. A sin is, of course, dirt of the spiritual body. And as dirt has been accumulated for so long, it is an obstacle to the creation of the new world. That is exactly the same as when chips, shavings and other dusts are dispersed around a new house that is being built. There is a necessary cleaning process that must be undertaken. Christ certainly referred to that when he spoke about the final judgement.


          As you can understand from the above, the very reality that our organization is endlessly showing such wonderful miracles is nothing but the divine plan of making people aware of the existence of the first world. And God has charged me with this important mission.



The First World

Faith Is Justice


Faith Is Justice

          First of all, what is religion? To that question, I must respond that it is certainly not about preaching complicated religious theories and philosophies. It is really about creating upright human beings. Religion is, indeed, nothing else. However easy it seems in words, its implementation in reality is a far more difficult task. As Confucius wrote, “It is easier said than done.” Now, let me explain the reason for such difficulty.


          The fact is that every human being, or at least most of them, assume that in order to earn money or become successful, doing the right things is not enough. They believe that dark forces must be part of the path to success. Moreover, even concerning pleasure and leisure, they consider that bad things are more fun than good things. That thinking has been with us for so many thousands of years, that we have come to think that it makes common sense. And for a long time, laws, ethics and education have been laboriously trying to reform that belief, but, unfortunately, with little success. Given that, it is important to say that there is no practice, other than religion, to achieve that goal. However, the difference in power of the different religions must be taken into account. That is because, a religion with insufficient power cannot possibly defeat evil. The same is true for disbelievers who cannot help themselves from misbehaving. In any religion, believers who are determined to carry out justice until the very end are exceedingly rare.


          From all off the above, I must conclude that a religion with the power to defeat evil shall appear. Only then, will a better society and a happy peaceful world be born. That is meant by the statement which we advocate – Truth Is Justice.



Do Deities Exist?


Do Deities Exist?

          I was able to discover this great medicine by becoming aware of the existence of the spirit. In other words, treating the spirit is the way in which physical sickness can be cured. Indeed, this is the one great revolution of science, and if we apply this principle to all other endeavors besides curing diseases, the increase in the welfare of humanity will be immeasurable. Not only that, when the research on this principle is pushed forward, we can even expect to understand the essence of religion.


          The controversy over the existence of God, which has existed for thousands of years and has not yet been resolved, is an old and new problem. That is because God, an intangible spirit, cannot be understood by a common man who only observes God through his material perspective. Therefore, thanks to the spiritual science that I advocate, the existence of God will be felt as well as the issues of after-death and reincarnation. But that is not all – for we will also understand the phenomena of spirits possessing people and many issues about the world of the unknown (which I also call the Second World).


          First of all, I need to talk about the transition of my thoughts from the former me. When I was young, I was an obsessive materialist. Let me give you two or three examples of how much of a materialist I was. First, I never prayed to God until I reached forty years of age. The reason I never did had to do with the corpus of a Shinto shrine being a mirror, a rock or symbol written on a piece of paper which is put in a kind of cypress box; a so-called shrine, made by carpenters. I thought that worshipping such a thing and giving it respect was meaningless, not to say ridiculous. As for Buddha, he is drawn on paper while Kannon, Amida and Shakyamuni’s figures are all engraved on wood, rock or metal and they are venerated. Moreover, Kannon, Amida and others do not even exist. In a way, they are all creations of human imagination, which makes them all the more meaningless. It was my opinion that all of these impressions were nothing but the worship of idols.  In those days, I read a theory of the famous German philosopher, Eucken, with which I really identified. According to Eucken, “By nature, mankind instinctively needs to worship something to feel satisfied. For that purpose, human beings create a type of idol, display it and worship it, and in so doing engender feelings of self-satisfaction.” This means that offerings displayed on the altar are not turned toward God, but toward man.


          These kinds of thoughts were extended to my vision of nations. A country such as Italy, which had many old churches, was going downhill, whereas a country such as the United States of America, where there were few churches, was experiencing great development. I was drawn to think that churches or shrines were an obstacle to the development of nations. However, as I was donating to the Salvation Army on a monthly basis, a minister would come to me and suggest I become a Christian. “People donating to the Salvation Army are, for the most parts, Christians, but you are not. So, what is your motive?” he asked. I responded, “The Salvation Army makes discharged prisoners repent and turns bad people into good ones. Therefore, if the Salvation Army did not exist, some of the discharged prisoners could have robbed my house. So, if the Salvation Army prevented bad things from happening to me, then I felt it is a legitimate organization. I felt grateful for that and wanted to help them with their work.” There were many other stories like that but my state of mind, at that time, was that I wanted to do good things but I did not want to believe in God. So, you can see how strong my “not believing in what we can’t see” conviction was.


          At that time, my business flourished and I was on top of my profession, but because of a bad employee, I made a huge mistake. Moreover, my wife passed away, I went bankrupt and I was subjected to several seizures. Just like that, wretched destiny threw me into the pit of despair. As a consequence, I went where most people would go in my situation and that was religion. Like many others, I turned to Shintoism or Buddhism to ask for help. That decision finally allowed me to become aware of the existence of deities and the spiritual realm, life after death, and so on. The spiritual knowledge I was able to get then allowed me to reflect on the former me and made me laugh at my stupidity. In that way, my vision of life made a 180-degree turn ever since I opened my eyes and realized that human beings receive the saving grace of God and that “they are only empty beings if they do not acknowledge the existence of the spirit.” Also, when preaching about moral ethics, I also understood that “if we cannot make people recognize the existence of the spirit, then our sermons are useless.” That being said, dear readers, I am hoping you open your keen eyes on the spiritual phenomenon about which I am going to elaborate.



True Health And Apparent Health


True Health And Apparent Health

          I assert that all human beings in the world today, or at least most of the people of culture, are sick. The only distinction is whether the disease has declared itself or not. In other words, people known as sick today are the one whose disease has already emerged (the declared sick), whereas people who are known as healthy are the ones whose disease is hidden (the undeclared sick).


          It is unnecessary to explain about the declared sick, so I will only elaborate here about the undeclared ones. As I previously said, the undeclared sick are toxin carriers whose purification process has not operated yet on the hardened toxins. True health consists of possessing a toxin-free physical body where no purification process is necessary. The problem with the undeclared sick is that because they maintain their health and manage their everyday life without problems, they are unaware of the toxins they maintain. Also, medical examinations declare them as healthy because the held toxins are difficult to be found by current medical procedures. And that is what I call the Apparent Health.


          Also, the medical profession frequently states that sickness and life span have nothing to do with each other, but this statement is so absurd that it is hard to believe. Indeed, nothing is more inseparably related than sickness and life span. This is simply an excuse to mask their inability to cure disease. Nowadays, they talk about preventive medicine and present it as something different and apart from curative medicine, which is also totally illogical. Again, they are certainly obliged to say so in order to mask their inability to cure disease.



Flesh Is The Heir To Good Health


Flesh Is The Heir To Good Health

          From ancient times it has been said that “Flesh is the heir to many ills,” but there is nothing more erroneous than that. The right thing would be to say “Flesh is the heir to good health.” And, of course, there is a reason for this understanding. In fact, human beings get sick easily and always have something going wrong. They catch colds, have headaches, have stomach aches, they cough, have diarrhea, have several pains, feel cold, feel bad, etc. And each time a symptom appears, they get into a panic and go see doctors or take medicine. Sometimes, they easily get cured and other times a common cold will just not go away. And as time passes, it happens that some people develop serious diseases such as encephalitis, typhoid or pneumonia. If the disease is cured favorably, all the better. But sometimes, one’s life can be endangered if things do not go well. The reason is that from the beginning, doctors have no precise idea of the disease; they just guess.


          Indeed, medical science has not yet made enough progress to give a conclusive diagnosis. Those are acute illnesses, but when it comes to chronic illness and especially for tuberculosis, the cure is not easy and the disease usually lasts for a long time. When one thinks that the recovery is near, it gets worse again and this cycle repeats so that the disease lasts. Even so, it is all fine if the patient gets cured in the end, but most of the time, the situation is difficult to stand because one spends lots of money, struggles a lot, and finally dies. Moreover, the patient becomes like close family with doctors and medicines so that it becomes quite difficult for him to sever connections. However, the strain does not concern sickness only. As the patient is also vacant from his workplace, the financial impact is huge. An ordinary employee will miss work for several months, even years, and ordinarily gets fired. This means that the income will cease and the trouble will double or triple. As you know, nowadays, medical expenses are expensive and not insignificant. If the illness is prolonged or one has to be hospitalized, a fortune can easily slip away and this is terrible because, sometimes, out of bad luck, one’s life can also be blown off.


          That is the reason why today people seriously fear sickness. For that, public and private sectors spend enormous amounts of money in preventive resolutions to ward off illness and be indebted to medical institutions. This time, the expenditure for the measures against tuberculosis planned by the government is about nine billion dollars, which is quite amazing. Even though they spend that huge amount of money and get altogether busy about it, tuberculosis does not seem to die out at all. Theoretically, the number of people with tuberculosis should diminish, but the reality is different. And the same can be said about illness in general. Typhoid, dysentery, Japanese encephalitis, etc.; we just have to look at current society. We notice everywhere that hospitals are overflowing with sick people and just can’t manage. Also, we often read in newspapers that the government is annoyed by quack medicines and counterfeit medicines plaguing society because of a medicine shortage. No matter how hard we try to fight sickness, it does not curtail it at all. That is why every single person in the society has a phobia about sickness and I can naturally understand why we say “Flesh is the heir to many ills.”


         However, once a person becomes a believer of our organization, sickness easily gets cured and good health improves – so not only do worries about sickness disappear, but infectious diseases are no longer a problem because nothing cures more easily than infectious diseases. So, the sole fact to be fearless of bacteria is a miracle today and the happiness resulting from it has certainly no equal in the entire world.   


          Not only that, we also receive the gift to heal other people by being initiated. It’s a transmission that members receive so they can help people with their illnesses. And the actual effectiveness of that method is beyond our imagination. However, people hearing about this method third hand usually say as follows: “It is totally absurd that professionals who studied diseases for many years, graduated from schools, accumulated scientific experiments and trained very hard, would believe that one could be cured by a layman who only studied three to six months. Someone saying such illogical and silly things must be deranged. Poor thing. He is certainly deceived by a quack religion. Nothing is more dangerous than a superstitious evil religion. If what they say is true, then doctors and medicines won’t be needed anymore.”


          This is the stereotype that we hear so often that we get calluses on our ears. Admittedly, that statement makes sense and I do not even think that the statement is wrong. But I would like people to think a little and reflect on that point. If that statement was really accurate, then diseases should disappear year by year, and the necessity to say tiresome things about the prevention of infectious diseases, vaccination, disinfection, warning against microbes, washing hands when coming from the outside, gargling one’s throat, etc. – these things should gradually diminish. Besides, if medical hygiene were truly excellent, people’s health should improve each year and hospitals should become deserted. However, reality is completely the opposite, and why is this so?  When one gets a truly healthy body, most of the bacteria entering the organism should not develop illness. This is obvious from the fact that even though bacteria enter one’s body, there are always people who develop the disease and those who do not. That is to say, people who do not develop the disease have a truly healthy body and their resistance is strong. Therefore, the process of a true medical hygiene should be that the number of people with strong resistance increases and that the trouble of infection diminishes year by year. But curiously, no one seems to notice such obvious logic, and that situation is not satisfactory. However, the cause of such a situation is well known to us and it is truly deplorable that we can not speak wisely about it. Above all, if one applies our teachings exactly, anyone can be in good health and I guarantee that the number of sick people would gradually diminish. That being said, I am sure that some people wonder why we do not spread our method to the world, if it was such a wonder. That is what I am going to explain now.


          Today’s social system has been built based on modern culture, and as I previously said, the foundation of modern culture is materialism. It is too extreme and it is also reactionary regarding spirituality. Its many structures have been created considering the materialistic culture as the greatest, so inevitably, there are many defects and discrepancies between that culture and the culture of the middle that we advocate. And what is mostly wrong is that the materialist culture does not care much about the result and instead focuses on the means. This is the most incomprehensible point. When we examine modern culture with that in mind, we can understand it very well.


         It is a shallow way of thinking to make a final decision based on a temporary result. The decision is made to seek an immediate result without looking further. For example, if one has fever one will cool it down with ice. But the cause of that fever is hiding somewhere and no one seems to be aware of that. Well, maybe this is because even though they find the cause, they cannot do anything about it. But the truth is, most of the time people only consider what comes out on the surface. We often say that medical science is like a palliative treatment, and it is exactly like that. Also, we see people in society fervently doing social work to save the poor. They collect donations and raise funds and this is all fine but these approaches are also missing out on the essential. If poor people exist, it is because somewhere there is a social defect. Therefore, we have to just get rid of such a defect. And there is no other true solution, but people do not seem to be aware of that. This is also the same as a palliative treatment, that is to say, a temporary method.


          These are only two examples, but today’s culture works that way in every respect. The proof is that we say that our culture has developed, yet unhappiness abounds everywhere. And God thoroughly told us about the internal defects that are the cause of such unhappiness. God’s will is that we tell the truth as soon as possible, to as many people as possible, so that they open their eyes and create a society where everybody can truly be happy. He also tells us to move towards the goal of an ideal world without sick people, poverty and war. What a blessing! Then some people might ask, why did God not tell us about that earlier? Well, there are several deep reasons for that, and one will understand over time once they become a believer of our organization.



The Error of Medical Science


The Error of Medical Science

          When we speak about health, we should certainly first grasp the substance of sickness itself. However, the interpretation of sickness by today’s medicine has fallen into an alarming error. Proof is, no matter how much progress medical science has made, it has yet to even identify the cause of the common cold. Starting from this fact, I am going to explain sickness in detail. Originally, the cause of illness is a physiological action of nature, whose principle is common to all matters. For example, all things necessarily accumulate impurities both physically and spiritually, and in order to promote purification, a natural action occurs in direct proportion. Indeed, this is a principle of nature that operates without even a slight deviation. On a larger scale, a storm occurs because of the impurities accumulated on Earth, and those impurities are blown off by the power of the wind and are washed out by rainwater while the sunlight dries the land. On a small scale, when dust accumulates in the house, we dust it off with a duster, sweep it with a broom and throw it in the trash can – and all of the garbage is dumped into a waste treatment center to be burned. This is the way things go and the same process can be observed for the human body.


          For whatever reason, the human body also accumulates impurities, both spiritually and physically, and for that, a natural purification process occurs. This is sickness, and it is evidenced by the fact that as the purification process starts, fever develops. In fact, the accumulated toxins harden as time goes by, so that fever is needed to liquefy the mass. Thanks to the fever, the mass of toxins dissolve and become liquid, which liquid is released from the body through phlegm, running nose, sweat, urine or diarrhea. And as this purification process involves pain, that pain has been designated as sickness. Therefore, thanks to that process, the internal part of the body gets purified and health will improve. Indeed, sickness is a natural physiological action aimed to improve health, and there is nothing finer than that. We could say that it is totally the biggest blessing given by God.


          Because people did not get that meaning at all until today, current medicine exists from having interpreted sickness the opposite way. Not only can we imagine how much of an error medical science has fallen into, but we can only be surprised by the fact that medical science has not, for a long time, even slightly noticed its mistake. And when we think of the several millions of precious lives that have been sacrificed because of that mistake until today, we are all the more saddened about it. Since medicine started from such error, the more it progresses, the more deeply it will continue to veer the wrong way and will certainly be more and more isolated from the right path. Above all, the discrepancy between the mistaken theory of sickness and the reality of sickness is huge. And against such reality, the misinformed believe that in order to eliminate sickness, medical science has to progress even more. For that, they make efforts to study even harder, which actually is a big problem. Oh, what a tragedy! When I look at this situation, I think to myself: if this error is not to be corrected, then what will become of humanity’s future? It is something truly difficult to foresee.



Truth And Untruth


Truth And Untruth

          People have been talking about truth since ancient times, but it seems that nobody talked about untruth, that is to say, fallacy. However, on examining any practical problem, we have to acknowledge the difference between truth and fallacy. As a matter of fact, the result is closely related to that distinction. And I think, very often, that people mistake fallacy for truth – but they just do not realize it.


          Fallacy and truth exist in all of religions, philosophies, sciences, arts and methods of education. Regarding all matters, fallacy collapses after several years, several dozens of years, or several hundreds of years, but truth is eternal and remains unchanged. At the time something new is discovered, people believe it is the ultimate truth – but very often, this will collapse too once a newer theory or discovery appears. In the same manner, who could guarantee that great religions will not disappear after hundreds of thousands of years? Of course, there are cases where all of a religion does not perish and only the fallacious aspects of it disappear, whereas the truthful parts remain. And even though nothing remains from it, as it had played a role in the development of culture until that time, nobody would blame it. Finally, the fact that fallacies close to the truth last longer than those far from the truth is a principle of causality.


          The truth is that although intellects and heralds of a given time have the responsibility to distinguish truth from fallacy, there are very few people with such brilliant insight. Nevertheless, it can happen that a fallacy will last for a very long time. Absolutism and feudalism are examples of fallacies that have been mistaken for truths. Mussolini’s fascism, Hitler’s Nazism and Tojo’s Hakko-Ichiu (universal brotherhood) were very short lived but strangely enough, nobody noticed they were fallacies at the time. That way, they made people perceive their ideologies as the truth when they were not, and they treated human lives without concern. And the many people who ended up sacrificed because of these sorts of illusions are still clearly engraved in our memories.


          Moreover, we cannot overlook the abundance of truth and untruth in religion. Countless minor religions rose and fell; some were even glorious in the beginning but almost entirely were forgotten, and some disappeared without leaving a trace. This was, of course, because they were all fallacious religions. Therefore, as long as religion has the value of truth, even though it suffers strong opposition for a time, one day it will certainly rise and become a great religion. One could agree with that statement by looking at the current great religions.



A Religion Showing The Reality of God


A Religion Showing the Reality of God

          When we recommend a belief to any atheist in society, the person would respond by saying something like, “There can’t possibly be any God in this world. If there is a God, I’d really like to see one. I don’t want any of your superstition.” And they usually completely disregard what we say. That way, the common man believes he is a person of culture, and this especially happens with intellectuals. However, we can not really blame them because the reality is certainly as they describe it. In fact, when we look at the many religions in society, they are way too unscientific and superstitious.  Therefore, many religions are incapable of clearly showing the existence of deities. Is there or is there not a God? To that question, religions are quite unreliable. So, I think it’s natural that lots of people are indifferent to faith.


          But as for our Messiah-Kyo (the former name of our organization), we are clearly showing the existence of God to everybody’s eyes. Once a person gets in contact with us, that person is simply amazed by knowing the reality of God. The truth lies with the countless testimonials of miracles in our organization. Unfortunately, the reality is that very few people believe right away the stories of miracles they read about or are told about by believers. That is because they look on the miracles with a prejudiced eye, a prejudice which was built up by the above mentioned “low level religions.” And to a certain extent, it is very natural to react that way, but as far as we are concerned, it is a real shame. As I always say, our organization is not a religion; it is a super religion, a great art of salvation.


          Believers often say when they saw publications of our organization for the first time, they were surprised by what was written and could hardly believe it. Indeed, our theories are far from the teachings of existing religions or from scientific theories. However, they thought that anything is worth a try and they received Jorei even though they were very skeptical. But when they saw only a hand held up toward them, they were filled with bewilderment. Then the person thought, “How could a disease that can’t be cured by the current advances in medicine be cured by such a silly method?” And the person was on the verge of discontinuing, but strangely enough, by the next day, as he felt better and sort of lighter than the day before, the person decided to give it a try and persist a little longer. As he left everything up to Jorei, the person got better and better. The result confused him, although he should have been pleased about it. That is what every single person who has experienced Jorei says.


          Consequently, as the unparalleled blessings of our organization are so remarkable, intellectuals who hear about these stories of miracles say that they are all superstitious, which is actually the complete opposite of what these stories really are. Well, those people are somehow inconvenient for us. But for each one of those disbelievers, there are also plenty of people with a sane mind who take a fact as a fact and become a believer and reach happiness. Our organization shows unequaled miracles and clearly show the reality of God. That is the reason why no matter how obstinate someone is, or how much a person idolizes science, all admit defeat in the end.



God's Art


          As we are living in the present, we should know in what kind of era we live. That being said, what I am trying to say is that, thanks to the invention of the radio and television, we are now able to get in an instant, any information on any event happening around the world. Indeed, our material culture has progressed to that extent in no time. Then what on earth could this fact mean? This is an extremely crucial point, and if one is not aware of it, then one is not qualified to speak about modern culture.


          For the past couple of years, words such as the “World Nation” and the “World Government” have been advocated in the United States. This certainly hints at the birth of a utopia in a near future, which ought to be a big matter. When this will happen, a president of the world will certainly be elected. And any nation will be able to present a candidate among its people. Following the birth of this new world, great changes should, of course, be made in many fields, among which the revolution of human thought should be the foundation. The many doctrines will be swept away and thoughts will be unified.


          For a better understanding, let me illustrate this point. Imagine that a great artist paints a big picture called “the world.” In that case, he expresses the supreme beauty with each line and color; it is God’s art without imperfection. One can easily imagine that the preparation involved to paint a worldwide picture required several thousands of years. And what is most important is the first line, that is to say the border on which was spent many months and years. Once this line is done, then the colors come next. To color the picture, the painter needs red, blue, yellow, white, purple and many other diversified ranges of colors. Suppose that those colors are nations and countries. This is very hypothetical so please read the following with that in mind. Countries fulfill their role according to their proper color. The worldwide masterpiece can be created thanks to this skillful line and those diversified colors, and that is the very art of the almighty God. Until now, however, humanity considered one’s peculiar color as supreme and tried to paint the world masterpiece only with its own color. Needless to say, that nations could not succeed this way. Of course, their failure is due in part because they did not wait for the right moment. Japan’s and Germany’s defeat clearly demonstrates this fact. According to this principle, each doctrine and each thought are only one type of color made by a person and it is impossible for it to paint over the outside of the line. Rather, it will provoke a friction with other countries aiming to do the same, and this becomes the cause of conflicts. This behavior may succeed for a while but it could not last for long. It becomes a hindrance to the world masterpiece painted by God, which is based on His love for humanity. See, since ancient times, many war heroes have been revered, but in the end they all have been punished for having obstructed God’s art. Therefore, the upcoming powerful nation should not paint other countries with its own color but should make other countries’ proper color shine more vividly and more beautifully. That kind of policy meet’s God’s will and the ideal world will be born.


          From all the above, we have to think about religion. Even for religion, each cult and each fraction has tried to color the other – until now.  This way of behaving not only conflicts with the progress of the time, but it also differs with the implementation of God’s plan. Therefore, we should realize God’s profound will hiding behind the progress of culture, and in order to create the new ideal world, let’s bring together all of the religions in a body and stride forward hand-in-hand.



God's Art

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